Pharmacy Consulting

Pharmacy Consulting.

Jill Marquardt has been working in the field of pharmacy for 30 years. She obtained her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2004 from Roseman University of Health Sciences.

Jill started her career during her sophomore year in high school. She became employed as a pharmacy technician in a retail setting. Jill quickly learned that she loved pharmacy. She had a strong desire to help others and decided that she wanted to be more.

Jill began her undergraduate work at Salt Lake Community College where she received her Associate of Science in General Studies. From there she transferred to the University of Utah to pursue a Bachelor’s in anthropology while completing her prerequisite pharmacy courses. However, before earning her BS, she was accepted to the Nevada College of Pharmacy and immediately set off for Las Vegas.

Jill earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2004 from Roseman University of Health Sciences (formerly the Nevada College of Pharmacy). She immediately began working as a retail pharmacist. In less than a years’ time, she was promoted to managing pharmacist.

Jill continued to manage her local pharmacy with care until 2014, when she stepped away from managing and assumed a role as a back-up pharmacist to help raise her two children through their early years.

In 2019, Jill began practicing at a specialty pharmacy, preparing, dispensing, and counseling on specialized medications for conditions such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, hepatitis, and transplant. Having expanded her expertise, Jill became eager to help patients better understand their medications and how they can change their way of life. With a broad knowledge of both common drugs as well as disease-specific medications, Jill has spent much of the last few years performing medication therapy management to help patients understand how all their drugs work and interact together–looking for duplication and adverse interactions. Through talking to patients, Jill has realized (and almost all pharmacists agree) that too little time is spent helping patients understand such a big part of their well-being.

In 2023 Jill received approval from the Nevada board of pharmacy to practice as an independent consulting pharmacist. Jill’s main goal is to have the time to build real relationships with patients, communicate directly with her patient’s other care providers, and work in conjunction with doctors, physical therapists, nutritionists, and other professionals to achieve real wellness outcomes.

Jill Marquardt has been working in the field of pharmacy for 30 years. She obtained her Doctor of... Read More

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